Friday, 25 October 2013

Classification of commands

Shell Commands can be classified into 3 types

  1. Simple Commands
  2. Complex Commands
  3. Compound Commands
Simple Commands

A simple command is one that you can execute by just giving its name at the prompt.

It looks like something below


Here the, command is the name of the command which you want to execute. Simple command in Unix can be small command like the following

1. who
2. date
3. ls
4. pwd

Complex Commands

Complex command follows the following syntax

$ Command arg1 arg2 .... .... ... argN

Here the command is the name of the command you want to execute and arg1 through argn are the arguments you want to give to the command.

The complex command can be commands like these

1. echo "Hello World"
2. who am i

to be continued